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Louis Vuitton Malletiercommonly referred to as Louis Vuitton or shortened to LV – is aFrench fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label is well known forits LV monogram, which is featured on most products, ranging from luxurytrunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewellery,accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the world's leadinginternational fashion houses. Louis Vuitton sells its products throughstandalone boutiques,lease departments in high-end departmentstores, and through the e-commerce section of its website.
LOUIS VUITTON is a subsidiary ofLVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey), the first global group tospecialize in prestigious magnificence products. LVMH – the world leader inluxury which possesses a unique portfolio of some 50 prestigious brands. TheGroup is active in five different sectors: Wines & Spirits, Fashion &Leather Goods, Perfumes & Cosmetics, Watches & Jewelry, Selectiveretailing. Most recently, the Group introduced Vuitton's READY TO WEAR line. LOUIS VUITTON is more than justa quality of fashion products – it’s a lifestyle in vogue.
LOUIS VUITTON beganmanufacturing trunks in Paris in 1854, and the company he started became one ofthe world's most well-known makers of luxury goods, known especially for itsdesigner luggage prototype: a beige-on-chestnut monogram, "LV."Vuitton's high-quality traveling trunks were such a hit in 1850th that everythen “celebrity” (including Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, Grand Duke Nicholas- future Tzar of the Russian Empire and King Alphonse XII of Spain) ordered aset of trunks.
The Vuitton line gained international credit winning a bronzemedal at the 1867 World's Fair and a gold medal at the 1889 World's Fair, bothheld in Paris. Lately Vuitton began a series of innovations: he built flatstacked trunks covered with canvas. This new method protected the luggage andits precious contents and soon met with considerable success - but attractivecanvas was copied almost instantly. In 1873, LV launched a counter attack,introducing a canvas bearing red stripes on a beige background, and a few yearslater, with a beige colorless. Success was awesome, but with the same result:more and more fake copies.
The Vuitton line gained international credit winning a bronzemedal at the 1867 World's Fair and a gold medal at the 1889 World's Fair, bothheld in Paris. Lately Vuitton began a series of innovations: he built flatstacked trunks covered with canvas. This new method protected the luggage andits precious contents and soon met with considerable success - but attractivecanvas was copied almost instantly. In 1873, LV launched a counter attack,introducing a canvas bearing red stripes on a beige background, and a few yearslater, with a beige colorless. Success was awesome, but with the same result:more and more fake copies.
After LOUIS death in 1892,his son, Georges, took the company to new heights, developing what isrecognized as the first "designer label" on a product - "LV"monogram. LV luggage thus became the first manufactured products to bear thebrand name on the outside. Georges also developed the celebrated five tumblerlock. Unpickable, each lock has its own number that allows the owner to openhis entire baggage with a single key. Ever since its invention, this lock hasbeen an element of all suitcases and trunks produced by LV.
In 1998 the superstar NewYork designer MARC JACOBS joined the firm as Artistic Director. Helaunches a pret-a-porter Vuitton line, a far cry from the historic luggage andbags. His designer clothes are so popular that LOUIS VUITTON now produces anentire collection of his shoes and launches in 2004 a jewellery collection aswell as highly demanded watches assortment. Now barely 40, Jacobs was behindthe latest hot handbag wowing the wannabes, the manga "eye" bagsdesigned by TAKASHI MURAKAMI, a cult Japanese artist whose clean coloursand flower shapes have livened up the brown and gold LV leather. Saying itwanted a "stylish, influential and sexy woman," LVMH signedJennifer Lopez in 2003 for its fall-winter advertising campaign. Marc Jacobswanted a "modern icon" to represent the company and sought "a stylish,leading and sexy woman."
Advertising Campaigns
The Louis Vuitton companycarefully cultivates a celebrity following and has used famous models andactresses such as Jennifer Lopez, Hayden Christensen and most recently AngelinaJolie in its marketing campaigns. Breaking from their usual traditions ofemploying supermodelsand celebrities to advertise their products, on 2 August 2007, the companyannounced that the former USSR leader MikhailGorbachev would appear in an ad campaign along with Steffi Graf,AndreAgassi, and Catherine Deneuve. Many rappers, most notably Kanye Westand Juicy Jhave mentioned the company in certain songs.
The company commonly usesprint ads in magazines and billboards in cosmopolitancities. It previously relied on selected press for its advertising campaigns(frequently involving prestigious stars like Steffi Graf,AndreAgassi, Gisele Bündchen and CatherineDeneuve) shot by Annie Leibovitz. However, Antoine Arnault, director ofthe communication department, has recently decided to enter the world oftelevision and cinema: The commercial (90 seconds) is exploring the theme"Where will life take you?" and is translated into 13 differentlanguages. This is the first Vuitton commercial ad ever and was directed byrenowned French director Bruno Aveillan.
Since the 19th century,manufacture of Louis Vuitton goods have not changed: Luggage is still made byhand. Contemporary Fashion gives a preview of the creation of the LVtrunks: "the craftsmen line up the leather and canvas, tapping in the tinynails one by one and securing the five-letter solid pick-proof brass locks withan individual handmade key, designed to allow the traveler to have only one keyfor all of his or her luggage. The wooden frames of each trunk are made of30-year-old poplarthat has been allowed to dry for at least four years. Each trunk has a serialnumber and can take up to 60 hours to make, and a suitcase as many as 15hours."
Many of the company'sproducts utilize the signature brown Damier and Monogram Canvas materials, bothof which were first used in the late 19th century. All of the company'sproducts exhibit the eponymous LV initials. The company markets its productthrough its own stores located throughout the world, which allows it to controlproduct quality and pricing. It also allows LV to prevent counterfeit productsentering its distribution channels. In addition, the company distributes itsproducts through LouisVuitton.com.
Korean travel retailerShilla Duty Free is on the verge of striking an agreement to open the world'sfirst Louis Vuitton airport store at Seoul Incheon International airporttowards the end of 2011.
The Louis Vuitton brand andthe famous LV monogram are among the world's most valuable brands. According toa Millward Brown 2010 study, Louis Vuitton is the world's 29th most valuablebrand, right after Wells Fargo and before Gillette. The brand itself is estimated to beworth USD 19.781 billion. For the sixth consecutive year, Louis Vuittonstill at number one of ten most powerful brand published by the Millward BrownOptimor's 2011 BrandZ study with value of $24.3 billion. It was more thandouble value from the second rank.
A genuine Louis Vuitton wallet.
Louis Vuitton is one of themost counterfeited brands in the fashion world due to its image as a statussymbol. Ironically, the signature Monogram Canvas was created to preventcounterfeiting. In 2004, Louis Vuitton fakes accounted for 18% of counterfeitaccessories seized in the European Union.
The company takescounterfeiting seriously, and employs a team of lawyers and specialinvestigation agencies, actively pursuing offenders through the courtsworldwide, and allocating about half of its budget of communications tocounteract counterfeiting of its goods. LVMH (Vuitton's parentcompany) further confirmed this by stating that "some 60 people at variouslevels of responsibility working full time on anti-counterfeiting incollaboration with a wide network of outside investigators and a team oflawyers." In a further effort, the company closely controls thedistribution of its products. Until the 1980s, Vuitton products were widelysold in department stores. Today, Vuitton products are primarily available atauthentic Louis Vuitton boutiques, with a small number of exceptions. Theseboutiques are commonly found in upscale shopping districts or inside luxurydepartment stores. The boutiques within department stores operate independentlyfrom the department and have their own LV managers and employees. LV hasrecently launched an online store, through its main website, as an authorizedchannel to market its products.
Louis Vuitton Handbags spellone word: classy. Louis Vuitton Bags combines fresh and trendy to makethe perfect accessory for any outfit working for any season and any occasion.
Besides handbags, luggage and apparel, LV has a variety of luxury officeproducts like alligator covering The Cargo Fountain Pens, and gold-plated DocPens. In Sept 1997, Louis Vuitton produced a new product line namedTaiga for men. It includes all office accessories, purse, and luggage. Theluggage series include backpack, small luggage for a short trip, suitcases.
Refrence Link for This Post: http://en.wikipedia.org/
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